Is it safe to go back into the water?

HOAs are asking – Can we reopen the pool and/or gym?

As government guidelines are loosened across LA, California, many condo owners are keen for shared facilities, such as pools, gyms and clubhouses to be reopened. While these can be a great way to bring the community together and allow condo owners to enjoy leisurely activities without travelling elsewhere, confusion arises when complying with government advice and keeping the residents safe. In this article, we will discuss how you can ensure that your community enjoys communal spaces as safely as possible. 

Be clear

Make sure to set out clear rules for everyone within the unit to adhere to. These should comply with government guidelines, but will be very specific to each HOA, depending on the equipment and facilities you already have. For example, you may deem it necessary to allow only a certain number of people in the gym at one time and ask each resident to use antibacterial wipes on their equipment. When it comes to pools, tennis courts etc, you need to decide whether these will become open to home owners only or their friends and family too. Make sure these rules are comprehensible, laid out in a language that everyone can understand and each resident is made aware of them and agrees to comply. 

Protect yourself and your HOA

If you’re in doubt about setting rules during the current pandemic, be sure to default to your HOA’s bylaws and regularly check state guidelines and local laws when it comes to maintaining amenities. You should clarify any advice that seems unclear or confusing to guarantee that you and other condo owners are not putting yourselves and others at physical or legal risk. If facilities in your HOA, such as swimming pools, are not generally open to wider public according to state laws, it may be sensible to close them to people outside your community for the time being.

Should you have any doubts on acting lawfully, it may be worth drafting up a set of rules and getting professional advice from an expert so that you can protect yourself from legal troubles. 

Don’t forget to always keep up to date with advice on the CDC website for all the latest government guidelines and updates, as this will give you the best information on how to implement further directions within your HOA. In addition to any rules you may set out for the residents, always remind them to take precautions such as washing their hands and advise them to self-isolate if they develop any symptoms.

Check in with your HOA attorney, as they are best placed to advise on your legal position and what the risks are that you need to mitigate. The find out more on risk factors and the risk of being sued, read our blog here.

For any info on your insurance, get in touch, email or complete our contact form here.

Stay safe
